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Islamic Alexandria


El-Gomruk and el-Anfushi are interesting
neighborhoods to explore, for their souks and streetlife as well as Ottoman mosques and mashrabiya decorated houses.

The Attarine Mosque
Occupying the site of the famous Mosque of a Thousand Columns (from which Napoleon removed the seven-ton sarcophagus now in the British Museum) the current mosque dates form the 14th century.

The Mosque Of Abu Al -Abbas Al-Mursi
Dedicated to the patron saint of Alexandria's fishermen and sailors, this is the city's biggest mosque.

Fort Qaitbey
On the northern tip of the Eastern Harbour, Sultan Qaitbey's Fort is an Alexandrian landmark. The Fort is on the original site of Pharos, Alexandria's ancient lighthouse, built in 279BC to a height of 125 meters and topped with a statue of Poseidon. Although Pharos was restored at various times it had finally crumbled by the time that the original Fort was built here, in the 1480s. Today, the Fort contains a mosque and the Naval Museum and provides wonderful views of the city and the Mediterranean.



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