you find the following words? The translations are provided
between brackets after the transcription. Parts of transcriptions
between brackets are parts of the words that are not written
in the hieroglyphic text.
(power) - Hmt-nTr (god's wife) - aHa(w)
(lifetime) - nfr.t (beautiful one / Nefret; Nefret
is a common name for women) - snTr (cense)
- snTr (cense; this is indeed the same word
as the previous one) - sA-nsw (son of the
king / prince)
mAa.t (the goddess Maat) - swAD
(make to flourish) - Htp.t (peace) - xpr.w
(shape) - xprr (the god Kheprer) - mw.t-nsw
(king's mother)
mry ptH (beloved of Ptah) - mi ra (like
Re) - xprS (khepresh crown) - mry mnTw nb
wAs.t (beloved of Montu, the lord of Waset; Waset
is the name of the city we currently refer to as Thebes)