Ramses Wissa Wassef
Architect, Potter, Designer and
In 1983 when the Aga Khan Architectural Award for the Wissa
Wassef Centre was received, the project was commended:

"For the beauty of its execution, the
high value of its objectives and the
social impact of its activities, as well as its influences
as an example… For its role as a center of art and life and
for its endurance, its continuity and its promise."
David Queensbury, one time Dean of the Royal College of Art,
visited Harrania in 1966. He was so impressed by the tapestries
and the school that he arranged for an exhibition at the Royal
College of Art. He wrote:
"I have called the exhibition: 'Harrania,
The Anti-Art School' as I think this is the most accurate
way of describing it. Some years ago Ramses Wissa Wassef became
convinced that virtually all children were potential artists
and that our educational system both at school and art school
was responsible for stifling this innate creative faculty.
He believed that in the past this faculty was not stifled
by educations and that provided he could find suitable material
this point could be proved again. The tapestries must speak
for themselves and it is up to you to decide whether he has
succeeded in making his point."