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Getting Around

There's a very good system of public and private transport in Egypt. Domestic air travel is clearly the quickest way to get around, although it is probably only worth considering if you have lots of money and little time. Otherwise the transport options include buses, trains, boats, and even camels, donkeys and horses.

If you're claustrophobic or have a weak stomach you might be uncomfortable traveling on the buses and trains, but they are a great way to meet local people and get a feel for the culture. Buses service virtually every town in Egypt and the 5000km of rail also connects just about every town in the country from Aswan to Alexandria. You can also hire service taxis which shunt car loads of passengers between towns and cities. These vehicles are traditionally Peugeot 504s, however Toyota minibuses are becoming popular as service taxis, and they usually congregate at the train and bus stations. The drivers wait until they're full (very full) before they budge.



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