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Solutions to Exercise VIII


1) wsir nTr aA nb AbDw, Osiris, the great god, lord of Abydos

2) inpw tpj Dw=f imj wt, Anubis, who is upon his mountain, who is in the embalming tent

3) Hr nb p.t, Horus, lord of the sky

4) Hw.t-Hr nb(.t) p.t nb.t iwn.t, Hathor,  mistress of the sky, mistress of Dendara

5) imn-ra nTr aA nb ip.t-s.wt, Amun-Re, the great god, lord of Karnak

6) ptH nb mAa.t, Ptah, lord of Maat

7) imn-ra-nsw-nTr.w nTr aA nb p.t nb wAs.t, Amunrasonther, the great god, lord of the heaven, lord of Thebes.

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