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Solutions to Exercise VI


Pepi II:
a) Golden name: Hr nbw sxm Golden Horus, the powerful one
b) Horus-name:  Hr nTr xa.w Horus, the god of appartions
c) Prenomen: (nfr-kA-ra) The King of Upper and Lower Egypt (Neferkare)
d) Nebti-name: nTr xa.w The Two Ladies, the god of appartions
e) Nomen: sA ra (ppj) The son of Re (Pepi)

Mentuhotep III:
f) Prenomen: (sanx-kA-ra) The King of Upper and Lower Egypt (Seankhkare)
g) Nomen: sA ra (mnTw-Htp) The son of Re (Mentuhotep)
h) Horus-name: Hr sanx tA.wj=f  Horus, who lets his Two Lands live
i) Nebti-name: sanx tA.wj=f  The Two Ladies, the one who lets his Two Lands live
j) Golden name: Hr nbw Htp Golden Horus, the one who is satisfied


a) (wsr-mAa.t-ra stp-n-ra) (Usermaatre Setepenre), the prenomen of Ramesses II on an architrave in the Great Hypostyle Hall of the temple of Amun at Karnak.

b) (DHwtj-ms xa-xa.w) (Thutmosis, shining of appartions), the nomen of Thutmosis IV on a block in the Open Air Museum at Karnak.

c) (xpr-kA-ra) (Kheperkare), the prenomen of Sesostris I on the White Chapel, not reconstructed in the Open Air Museum at Karnak.

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