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Solutions to Exercise IV

Did you find the following words? The translations are provided between brackets after the transcription. Parts of transcriptions between brackets are parts of the words that are not written in the hieroglyphic text.

Hs(i) (to turn back) - ir.t (eye) - mni (to moor) - SAa (to begin) - msw.t (birth) - msH (crocodile) - Hr (far)

(to destroy) - ssAw (provisions) - swnw (tower) - Aw (long) - rmn (shoulder) - swAS (pay honour)

(to weary) - wDA.t (udjat-eye) - mr (pyramid) - is (tomb) - bkA (be pregnant) - btA (crime) - HD (white)

(Amun) - smsw (eldest) - itj (monarch) - mAi (lion) - Hr (upon)

As an additional exercise, try composing a short vocabulary containing all the words from this and the previous exercises. Try to get the words in the order used for the uniliteral signs.

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