Female Pharaoh of Egypt
But, from his titles, it may be a true statement.
Senmut was a lowly born man who rose to power with Hatshepsut.
Some of his many titles included Overseer of the Works, Overseer
of the Fields, Overseer of the Double Gold House, Overseer
of the Gardens of Amon, Controller of Works, Overseer of the
Administrative Office of the Mansion, Conductor of Festivals,
Overseer of the Cattle of Amon, Steward of the King's Daughter
Neferura, Chief of the King, Magnate of the Tens of Upper
and Lower Egypt, Chief of the Mansion of the Red Crown, Privy
Councillor, Chief Steward of Amon, Overseer of the Double
Granary of Amon and Hereditary Prince and Count.
Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple and Other Works
After becoming Pharaoh, Hatshepsut ordered many works, carrying
on from her father. Her first were two obelisks, cut at Aswan
and transported to Karnak. There is not much left of these,
as most of her things were vandalised after Thuthmose III
took over. She later ordered three more to be cut (one of
which cracked before it was carved from the rock, so it still
remains at Aswan till this day!), to celebrate her 16th year
as Pharaoh.
At Karnak, she carried out many repairs to the temples, assuring
herself the favours of the priests. It was a continuation
of the works of her father, but her own restorations included
a pylon to the temple and obelisks. Somewhat further north,
she built a small temple in the rock, with more inscriptions
of her reign. This is yet again a most beautiful temple.
also ordered a tomb made for herself, while married to Thuthmose
II. It was a queen's tomb in the Valley of the Kings, but
it was never completed. Supposedly she and her father, Thuthmose
I, were actually buried there until the priests moved the
bodies elsewhere, to stop thieves from desecrating the tombs.
(There was a first, small tomb that was also unfinished, built
behind the Valley of the Queens, but this was abandoned when
Hatshepsut married Thuthmose II and became queen.)
the Valley of the Kings tomb was abandoned, work at the beautiful
Deir el-Bahri tomb was started. This was to be her famous
Mortuary Temple - Djeser Djeseru. It was built at the site
of an even older temple - Mentuhotep I's mortuary temple from
the 12th Dynasty. This is the place where the inscriptions
of her life and achievements can be found, although they,
too, were vandalised.
It was modelled on Mentuhotep I's temple, but Senmut, the
architect, improved on the design, blending it in with the
cliffs around the area. It is a three-terraced building with
porticoes, and chapels at the top to the gods Hathor, Anubis,
Ra-Horakhte and, of course, Amon-Ra.
An inscription at the temple say:
When you rest in your building where your beauties are worshiped,
Amon-Ra, the Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, give Hatshepsut
Ma'at-ka-Ra life, duration and happiness. For you she has
made this building fine, great, pure and lasting...
It most certainly is lasting.

temple was filled with many beautiful scenes that prove herself
as Pharaoh. There was even some reference to military activity
at the temple, even though she is often portrayed as a peaceful
queen. She did, in fact, have some conquest, like the rest
of her seemingly war-loving family.
This refers to a campaign in Nubia. She even sent Thuthmose
III out with the army, on various campaigns (many of which
little is known at all!). One inscription even says that Hatshepsut
herself led one of her Nubian campaigns. The inscription at
Sehel island suggest that Ty, the treasurer of Lower Egypt,
went into battle under Hatshepsut herself. This proves her
as a warrior Pharaoh to her people, and also depicts her expedition
to the Land of Punt.
The Expedition to Punt
Hatshepsut ordered a trading expedition, her ships reaching
the Land of Punt (perhaps to present day Somalia), as commanded
by the god Amon-Ra This was a land rich in products Egyptians
desired - myrrh, frankincense, woods, sweet-smelling resin,
ivory, spices, gold, ebony, ivory and aromatic trees. Even
animals and fish, many of which can be identified today.
There are also reliefs of the homes and people of Punt. The
huts of the people, and the native flora, resemble the huts
of the Toquls (according to some) near Somalia. The fish and
other animals are not natives of Egypt, leading to evidence
that Hatshepsut's people had actually visited such a place.
Even the people are shown - the most obvious being the ruler
of Punt's wife, depicted as an obese woman. But their outfits
and the fashion seem to describe the ancient peoples of Somali.
The chief and his wife, quoted on Hatshepsut's mortuary temple,
How have you arrived at this land unknown to the men of Egypt?
Have you come down from the roads of the Heavens? Or have
you navigated the sea of Ta-nuter? You must have followed
the path of the sun. As for the King of Egypt, there is no
road which is inaccessible to His Majesty; we live by the
breath he grants to us.
On the return of the expedition, Hatshepsut held a procession
to the Temple of Amon-Ra, where her inscriptions stated that
the god himself, and Hathor (Lady of Punt), guided the expedition
to the new lands. After the appropriate sacrifices had been
made, tributes from the Land of Punt were transferred to the
She recorded this on the walls of her temple at Deir el-Bahri,
and many of the scenes can still be seen today. (Unfortunately
many were damaged or destroyed when someone - most likely
Thuthmose III - tried to erase her name and image from every
monument that may have had her name.)
Though this seems a little drastic, there was obviously bitter
feelings against Hatshepsut. No-one knows if she was murdered,
died or retired from politics to let Thuthmose III and her
second daughter rule, but she disappeared when Thuthmose III
became Pharaoh in his own right. Her body has not been found,
so it is difficult to prove one way or another.
Despite all the damage, the people of today still know of
Egypt's first female Pharaoh - Hatshepsut.