first national flag of modern Egypt was established by a Royal
Decree in 1923 after Egypt gained conditional independence
from Great Britain in 1922. The colour was green with a white
crescent and three stars in the middle.
1958, a Presidential Decree established a new flag for the
United Arab Republic which comprised a merger of Syria and
Egypt. The new flag had three colors: red, white with 2 green
stars and black. The flag was rectangular in shape with the
width one-third its length.
1972, the Law was amended to change the flag. This time, the
stars were removed and replaced by a golden hawk. Once
again in 1984, the hawk was replaced by a golden eagle.

red colour refers to the period before the 1952 Revolution
which brought a group of army officers to power after deposing
King Farouk, then King of Egypt. This was a period characterized
by the struggle against the British occupation of the country.
The white symbolizes the advent of the 1952 Revolution which
ended the monarchy without bloodshed. The color black symbolizes
the end of the opression of the Egyptian people at the hands
of the Monarchy and British colonialism.
Governing the Hoisting of the Flag
national flag is hoisted on all governmental buildings on
Fridays, official holidays, on the inauguration of the People’s
Assembly session and other occasions when the Minister of
Interior orders that the flag be hoisted.
flag is hoisted daily on border posts and customs buildings.
It is also hoisted on Egyptian consulates and embassies overseas
on Egypt National Day and other national occasions.
Provisions for Contempt of the Flag
the flag in any way is a criminal offense and is punishable
under law as it implies contempt of the power of the state.
provisions also govern abuse of foreign flags or national
emblems of other countries.